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Neutral Bay Public School

Neutral Bay Public School

Excellence Innovation Opportunity

Telephone02 9953 1798

Opportunity Class

Opportunity Classes at Neutral Bay

Neutral Bay Public School hosts two Opportunity Classes - one in Year 5 and one in Year 6. Each class has 30 students. Our aim is to provide students with a diverse and rich range of learning experiences aimed at helping them reach their full potential. In this stimulating learning environment, students are encouraged to excel in all aspects of academic, social, sporting and artistic endeavour. They develop positive relationships with like-minded peers and learn alongside others of similar ability.

Applications are submitted online when the student is in Year 4. The application process becomes available at the end of April each year.

For information on the selection procedures and dates for this year's exam, please contact the High Performing Students Unit.



Gifted and talented students

There are a number of characteristics that may indicate that a young child may be gifted. It is important to note that academically gifted and talented children will not necessarily demonstrate all of the following characteristics:

A gifted and talented student:

  • learns rapidly and quickly grasps new concepts
  • has an excellent memory
  • is creative or imaginative, for example, produces many ideas or is highly original
  • is independent – may prefer to work alone
  • has a keen sense of humour
  • may be highly-motivated, particularly in self-selected tasks
  • has unusual or advanced interests
  • demonstrates exceptional critical thinking skills or problem-solving ability
  • may have superior leadership and interpersonal skills
  • frequently asks in-depth, probing questions
  • may demonstrate a high degree of social responsibility or moral reasoning
  • possesses a large, advanced vocabulary
  • has superior insight and the ability to draw inferences or is intuitive
  • is an advanced reader either in English or in the home language.


Intellectual Traits

Personality Traits

  • Exceptional reasoning ability
  • Insightful
  • Intellectual curiosity
  • Need to understand
  • Rapid learning rate
  • Need for mental stimulation
  • Facility for abstraction
  • Perfectionism
  • Complex thought processes
  • Need for precision/logic
  • Vivid imagination
  • Excellent sense of humour
  • Early moral concern
  • Sensitivity/empathy
  • Passion for learning
  • Intensity
  • Powers of concentration
  • Perseverance
  • Analytical thinking
  • Acute self-awareness
  • Divergent thinking/creativity
  • Nonconformity
  • Keen sense of justice
  • Questioning rules/authority
  • Capacity for reflection
  • Tendency to introversion

(Gifted and Talented Policy, NSW Department of Education)

Opportunity Class Placement

Offers for opportunity class placement will be made on the basis of the opportunity class placement test, school assessment and other evidence of academic merit. This process is administered centrally by the High Performance Unit of the Department of Education. Neutral Bay Public School is not involved in the selection of students for the Opportunity Class program, nor are students currently enrolled in mainstream classes at Neutral Bay Public School advantaged in any way in the selection process.

Following an offer of a position in the Opportunity Class program at Neutral Bay Public School, parents and carers will be invited to visit the school. Parents of non-local students who accept a place in our Opportunity Classes are advised that there is no provision for siblings to be enrolled in mainstream classes at Neutral Bay Public School. 

Opportunity Class Program

Our students have talents in a range of areas – intellectual, creative, physical and social. These talents create a particular demand for opportunities both within and beyond the classroom.

At Neutral Bay, students are afforded the opportunity to develop and apply their knowledge and understanding in a range of individual and group activities and projects. Lessons may include:

  • Individualised work through the use of contracts or modules, independent research or online learning.
  • Flexible grouping options, so that students can proceed through the curriculum at their own pace.
  • Open-ended questions, activities and assignments
  • Higher-order thinking skills and opportunities for creative problem solving
  • Investigation of real world problems and issues

All students enter the Opportunity Class with different strengths and areas of relative weakness. Our classroom program provides support for students where needed, at the same time permitting students to be involved in enrichment and extension activities in areas of mastery.

Beyond the classroom, students have a breadth of opportunity open to them through the extension programs offered. Competitions, challenges, workshops, camps, performance showcases and Olympiad training are offered.

Students in the Opportunity Class participate fully in the life of our school here at Neutral Bay. This includes whole school programs such as peer support, buddy classes, extra-curricular activities, assemblies, sport and creative arts.

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