About Us:
A huge part of the school community at Neutral Bay Public School is the Parents & Citizens (P&C) Association. Our role is to foster an effective relationship between parents and the school, in order to maintain the best learning environment and community for children. Through our activities and fundraising the P&C is able to fund important resources for the school including contributions to our school specialist music, science and sport programs, Learning Support programs to help students with special needs, classroom resources such as technology, furnishings and playground equipment.
Membership of the P&C is an excellent opportunity for you to have a say in, and enhance, our children's educational environment. It is also a great way to keep up to date with key initiatives and activities at the school.
We warmly welcome all volunteers, as this is integral to the P&C's focus on continuously improving our community. We can't do it without you!
Our P&C is an incorporated member of the Federation of P&C Associations and abides by the rules and guidelines of this body. A copy of the P&C constitution can be viewed at https://neutralbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/fundraising/p-c/constitution-rules.html
The objectives of the P&C are to:
· Promote the interests of our school, by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation.
· Assist in providing facilities and equipment for our school, and to promote the recreation and welfare of the students at our school.
The P&C is responsible for a number of vital operations within the school including the Canteen and Uniform Shop, all maintained by parent volunteers. It is also the responsibility of the P&C Association to conduct the election of parent representatives for the School Council, and to administer the class parent representative system (Class Coordinators and Stage Event Coordinators). The P&C runs a number of extremely popular events throughout the year, generously supported by our parent body and local community.
Getting involved
The best way for the P&C to achieve our objectives is to encourage as many members of the Neutral Bay Public School community as possible to participate in our functions. We warmly encourage all families to attend P&C Association meetings, become a member of the P&C, or simply take part in one (or more) of our activities. We are a welcoming and passionate group who are always on the lookout for new people to get involved. Parents are also encouraged to pay the P&C voluntary contribution, which is used to support educational and community initiatives within the school. We welcome any contribution you have the time and energy to offer!
The P&C Association meets on the Wednesday of Week 3 and Week 8 of each term at 7.00pm, in the School Hall. Meetings provide a forum for discussion of all matters relating to initiatives and activities of the P&C, as well as to hear news or updates from the Principal. There is a P&C membership fee of $10 per year. Being a member entitles parents to vote on issues raised at P&C meetings and to hold positions on the P&C. All P&C positions fall vacant at the Annual General Meeting, which is held in February each year.
Where does the P&C get its funding?
The P&C receives its funds from a variety of sources during each financial year. One of the most important sources is the P&C Voluntary Contribution. The P&C also receives profits from the Uniform Shop and Canteen. Remaining funds come from various activities and events. In recent years this has included school carnivals, silent auctions, community sponsorship and advertising and other major events.
Read our Fundraising page to see our fundraising goals for 2024 go to https://neutralbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/fundraising/p-c/fundraising.html
How are the funds used?
The P&C provides valuable additional resources to our school to supplement the funding received from the NSW Government. As our student numbers have increased, this fundraising function has become increasingly important. Over recent years, the P&C has used its funds to:
· pay contributions for the school's specialist science, sport and music programs
· contribute to classroom resources such as iPads, books and other essential learning materials;
· purchase of school building hardware such as air conditioners for classrooms and curtains for the school hall stage
· purchase and maintenance of playground equipment and shelters;
· purchase and upgrade of technology including wireless access throughout the entire school and interactive whiteboards; and
· host events that encourage social interaction and friendship within the Neutral Bay Public School community, including the P&C Welcome Drinks, Twilight and End of Year Picnics, Grandparent's Day and Mother's and Father's Day stall.
Want to get in touch?
If you have any questions, suggestions or want to get involved please get in touch with any one of our P&C Executive Team. You can find their names and contact details at https://neutralbay-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/fundraising/p-c/p-c-contacts.html