Tel: 0404 913 646
Enrolment forms can be downloaded from our website:
Before School Care: 7.30am to 9.00am
After School Care: 3.10pm to 6.00pm
Before School Care
The service operates from 7:30am to 8:45am. The children have a snack and unstructured play.
After School Care
After School Care includes afternoon tea, crafts and supervised outdoor play.
Booking Information:
Bookings are only taken for permanent places and there are restricted numbers. If the day/s required are fully booked you will be placed on a waiting list and contacted when a space is available.
School Development Days
Care will be provided from 7:30am to 6:00pm on Development Days. We try and make it a relaxed and fun day for the children with games and activities. Children will need to bring morning tea and lunch. Afternoon tea will be provided. School uniform is not required and we suggest you pack some extra snacks and drink.
Please feel free to come and see us with any queries or voice any concerns. John is always available from 2:30pm every afternoon and would be happy to give any further information. His contact number is 0404 913 646.