Neutral Bay Public School is a community-based school that enjoys a large amount of parent involvement.
When your child starts school at Neutral Bay, parents have the opportunity to join various support groups. At annual general meetings, parents are encouraged to take on a more active role in school life.
School Council
The School Council plays an important role in bringing together members of the school and parent community.
It comprises of two staff representatives, three parent representatives, a community representative and the Principal, who is the executive member. Its charter is to collaborate with parents and staff in the formation of policy direction for the school. The School Council does not make decisions on short term, daily management issues. Rather, it focuses on significant school-wide issues and overall policies and educational directions.
Parents & Citizens Association (P&C)
All parents may become members of the P&C Association, which promotes networks of friendship and support within the school community.
It is a monthly forum for discussion of educational, social and welfare aspects of the school. The P&C also co-ordinate social functions and fundraising events, and support the organisation of official school events, such as the annual Welcome Evening held at the beginning of the year. This event gives parents and staff members an opportunity to come together in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
P &C fundraising activities contribute significantly to the school's annual budget and are important community building initiatives. The success of the P&C depends on volunteer parent participation and we encourage all parents to become involved.
Class Coordinators
Class coordinators organise social functions and other communications that involve all of the parents relevant to their child's class. The P&C, in conjunction with the Principal, help to oversee the class coordinators and co-ordinate their activities.
Parent Involvement
The school enjoys the support and contributions of many parents' expertise and services. There are many ways to be involved in school life including:
- Attending P&C meetings
- Attending class information meetings
- Acting as class coordinator
- Participating in fundraising and social events
- Supervising band practice
- Assisting in the library
- Assisting in the canteen
- Assisting at band camps, sport carnivals, excursions and music events
- Assisting with the uniform shop
- Assisting in the classroom