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Neutral Bay Public School

Neutral Bay Public School

Excellence Innovation Opportunity

Telephone02 9953 1798

General information

Accident, Injury and Illness

Sick children should be kept at home until they recover. In case of accidents, injury or sudden illness at school children report to the main office. First aid is administered by office staff. Every effort is made to contact parents if children need to be taken home or for medical attention. If parents cannot be contacted the school will ensure the appropriate action is taken.

Please assist us to keep records up to date by notifying the school of any changes to address or telephone numbers. This will enable us to contact you quickly in emergencies.

Bus Travel

Neutral Bay Public School is serviced by a number of bus routes (225, 626, 571, 572 & 573). Some are regular services and others are school specials. Information regarding morning and afternoon school specials to and from Neutral Bay PS is available at: .

Bus stops are situated adjacent to the school in Ben Boyd Rd. Respectful, considerate behaviour, as outlined below, is expected of children at all times while travelling to and from school.

Code of conduct for travelling on buses:
  • behave safely at all times
  • obey driver directions
  • respect bus property
  • keep fully within the bus
  • speak quietly
  • stay in one seat
  • look after your own belongings and respect those of others
  • come directly to school and go directly home after getting off buses
  • be courteous to and considerate of the driver and fellow passengers

Events and Highlights

Parents are warmly welcomed to these school events:

  • Education Week Open Day
  • Children's Book Week and Book Fair
  • Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics Carnivals for Yrs 3-6
  • Sports Carnival for Years K-2
  • School Concerts
  • Weekly Assemblies for Years 3-6, K-2
  • Special Assemblies (eg ANZAC Service, Remembrance Day, Reconciliation Ceremony)
  • Speech Day
  • Year 6 Farewell
  • Spring Fair

Fees and Curriculum Levies

The P&C Association asks each family to pay an annual voluntary fee, the amount of which is determined by P&C and School Council. These fees are vital to funding:

  • library books and facilities
  • computer and technology resources
  • classroom reading books
  • mathematics and science equipment
  • music resources eg percussion instruments & musical scores, audio tapes
  • resources and programs for children with special needs
  • playground equipment and improvements

If payment of fees will cause financial hardship, alternative arrangements may be made. A confidential note to the principal is all that is required.

In addition parents are asked to pay a curriculum levy each semester. This contributes to the cost of programs, services and materials including Japanese, Science and Music, art and craft materials, folders, assessment portfolios, paper and photocopying.



All children starting Kindergarten are required to provide an immunisation certificate which is a record of your child's immunisation status.

Please ensure immunistions are complete before commencing school

Children starting school should have:

  • 1 booster injection against Diphtheria and Tetanus
  • 1 booster dose of Polio vaccine by mouth (Sabin)

You can do this at your doctor's surgery, local council clinic,some hospitals, community health centres and early childhood centres.

Infectious diseases

For more information see the Infectious Diseases page on the DEC website or the Health Topics page on the NSW Health website.

If your child is diagnosed as having any of the following infections, please ensure that the required period of exclusion from school is adhered to as follows:

  • Measles: exclusion for a minimum of 4 days after onset of rash.
  • German Measles: exclusion until fully recovered. Maximum exclusion is necessary and is at least 4 days after the rash appears.
  • Mumps: exclusion for 9 days or until swelling goes down (depending on which occurs first).
  • Chicken Pox: exclusion until fully recovered of for minimum 5 days after the first spots appear (remaining scabs not a reason for continued exclusion).
  • Conjunctivitis: exclusion until discharge from eyes ceases.
  • Impetigo (school sores): exclusion until appropriate treatment has commenced. Sores on exposed surfaces must be covered with a watertight dressing.
  • Head Lice (Pediculosis): exclusion until both lice and nits have been removed.
  • Ringworm: exclusion until appropriate treatment has commenced. Cover all affected areas with a clean bandage.
  • Scabies: exclusion until suitable treatment has commenced and discharge ceases.
  • Whooping cough: exclusion for 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment
Head Lice (Pediculosis)

This is a relatively common occurrence whenever large groups of people gather and does not reflect a lack of hygiene. To keep outbreaks to a minimum parents are requested to check their child's hair regularly and to take appropriate action as necessary. Removal of nits from the strands of hair is time consuming but essential to ensure that reinfection does not occur. Parents will be informed when there is an outbreak at school. Treatment information is available at the office.

pdf iconSMH Article about head lice treatment

Lost Property

Lost property baskets are located at the entrance of the B Block and can be inspected by parents for missing items. Please check that you have not accidentally gathered up another child's clothing when removing your own.

Money and Valuables

Large amounts of money or valuable items generally should not be brought to school.

When this is necessary please tell your child to leave money or valuables for safekeeping at the office as soon as possible. Money is never left in the school overnight. It is always banked before the close of school.

Religious Education (SRE)

Visiting Clergy and Lay teachers from Anglican, Roman Catholic, Baha'i' and Jewish denominations visit the school weekly to conduct lessons. Ethics classes are also available for students in Years 5 & 6. SRE is optional. Children who do not attend these lessons are supervised by teachers.


Years K, 1 & 2: Wednesday 10.00am - 10.25am

Years 3&4: Wednesday 10.30am - 10.55am

Years 5&6: Wednesday 9.30am - 9.55am