Neutral Bay Public School has an excellent three band program. There is a Junior, Senior and a Concert Band. Each Band is conducted by a professional bandmaster at rehearsals twice a week. The Band Program is coordinated by parents whose children are involved in the band program. There is an overall Band Coordinator and a Coordinator for each of the three bands.
The children involved in the program progress quickly with consistent effort and application. The twice weekly band practices, the excitement of competitions and the pleasure of performing as a team in front of peers and others all contribute to a rich learning experience.
The annual Band Camp is often the highlight of the year for the children as well as an invaluable tutorial weekend. Every year each band performs in at least one eisteddfod or competition, with the more senior bands performing in at least two, including the Sydney Eisteddfod. Neutral Bay Public School has a long tradition of excellence in band music.
In November, enthusiastic Year 2 students and students in other grades interested in joining the band program, are invited to attend an ear test and blow test audition. This process helps to match instruments to children. Certain instruments suit certain features in children eg lip shape, hand size and physical strength to hold the instrument and to carry it from place to place.
The Band Committee
Notes and Information
- Band Audition Requirements: Band Audition Requirements (pdf 78 KB)
- Band Declaration: Band declaration (pdf 57 KB)
- Band Handbook: Band Handbook (pdf 118 KB)
- Band Instrument Hire: Band Instrument Hire (pdf 94 KB)
- Band Instrument Selection Guide: Jnr Band instrument selecti (pdf 62 KB)
- Band Registration and Expression of Interest: Registration of Interest (pdf 45 KB)